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Friday, July 18, 2014

The Coachman: Lundberg Design Retrofits a San Francisco Bar with Walls Made of Honey

Lundberg Design, The Coachman San Francisco, The Coachman retrofit, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architecture, San Francisco architects, Heaven’s Dog San Francisco

San Francisco-based Lundberg Design transformed one of their old projects, Heaven’s Dog, into one of the city’s most visited restaurants – The Coachman. The design team added around 600 square feet of space to the existing bar and enlarged it into a spacious restaurant with a great selection of cocktails. Hit the jump for more details about this striking renovation.

Lundberg Design, The Coachman San Francisco, The Coachman retrofit, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architecture, San Francisco architects, Heaven’s Dog San Francisco Lundberg Design, The Coachman San Francisco, The Coachman retrofit, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architecture, San Francisco architects, Heaven’s Dog San Francisco Lundberg Design, The Coachman San Francisco, The Coachman retrofit, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architecture, San Francisco architects, Heaven’s Dog San Francisco Lundberg Design, The Coachman San Francisco, The Coachman retrofit, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architecture, San Francisco architects, Heaven’s Dog San Francisco

Read the rest of The Coachman: Lundberg Design Retrofits a San Francisco Bar with Walls Made of Honey

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Post tags: Heaven’s Dog San Francisco, honeycomb walls, Lundberg Architects, lundberg design, Olle Lundberg, retrofitted restaurant, San Francisco architects, san francisco architecture, sustainable renovation, The Coachman retrofit, The Coachman San Francisco, walls made of honey

via Green Living - Building, Home, Auto & Lifestyles copy http://ift.tt/Wi7wcb

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