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Friday, July 25, 2014

England’s First Floating Village Coming Soon to East London’s Royal Docks

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Faced with rising sea levels, would you consider a move onto the water? Soon, a community of Londoners will have exactly that option. dRMM Architects has won the Royal Docks competition to design England’s first floating village. London Mayor Boris Johnson revealed a consortium including Carillion Igloo Genesis and Buro Happold who will together transform 15 acres of water just east of the Emirates Airline.

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Post tags: Boris Johnson, dRMM, dRMM de Rijke Marsh Morgan Architects, England, Floating Houses, living on water, London, London floating village, London's first floating house, prefab design, prefabricated floating village, rising sea levels, water homes London

via Green Living - Building, Home, Auto & Lifestyles copy http://ift.tt/1lDmbo2

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