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Monday, July 28, 2014

System D’s Compact Ozone Generator Makes Dirty Water Sparkle Using Zero Chlorine

O3 Ozone cleaning, water purification, purifying water without chlorine, ozone water purification, water issues, polluted water, dirty water, reader submitted content, clean tech, green tech, System D, O3 System, crowdfunding

System D has designed a compact ozone generator that can provide clean sterilized water anywhere. At the heart of this system is an electric powered “corona discharge” ozone generator that converts oxygen in the air (O2) to ozone (O3). The air is then injected into water. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer, way more powerful than chlorine. In the water it oxidizes metals, kills bacteria, and eats up just about any organics there are. Murky polluted water can be totally cleaned up and sterilized in a jiffy. We designed the O3 system to be reliable, inexpensive, long lasting and efficient. Our primary objective was to make this available to developing countries where children do not have clean water, opting for mass production, effectiveness and reliability. The O3 System kickstarter launches tomorrow – be sure to check it out.

+ O3 System

O3 Ozone cleaning, water purification, purifying water without chlorine, ozone water purification, water issues, polluted water, dirty water, reader submitted content, clean tech, green tech, System D, O3 System, crowdfunding O3 Ozone cleaning, water purification, purifying water without chlorine, ozone water purification, water issues, polluted water, dirty water, reader submitted content, clean tech, green tech, System D, O3 System, crowdfunding O3 Ozone cleaning, water purification, purifying water without chlorine, ozone water purification, water issues, polluted water, dirty water, reader submitted content, clean tech, green tech, System D, O3 System, crowdfunding

The article above was submitted to us by an Inhabitat reader. Want to see your story on Inhabitat? Send us a tip by following this link. Remember to follow our instructions carefully to boost your chances of being chosen for publishing!

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Post tags: clean tech, Crowdfunding, dirty water, green tech, O3 Ozone cleaning, O3 System, ozone water purification, polluted water, purifying water without chlorine, reader submitted content, System D, water issues, water purification

via Green Living - Building, Home, Auto & Lifestyles copy http://ift.tt/X5iulA

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